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Copyright © Елены Фёдоровой


BUCCLEUCH (14,195)
Mr. J.B. Wilkes's, Aberwynant, Dolgelly; breeder mr. H. Moser; date of birth, November 30th, 1881; colour white, lemon markings.
By Looby (8341) out of Lance (10,422).
Crystal Palace, 1st.

DAMPER (12,674)
His Grace the Duke of Portlands, Welbeck.
By Bob II out of Flush.
Sheffield, 2nd; York, 1st; Chesterfield, 2nd.

DART II (14,197)
His Grace the Duke of Portland's, Welbeck, Worksop; breeder, owner; date of birth, 1881.
By owner's Bob III out of his Flush.
York, 3rd; Chesterfield, 1st; Buxton, 2nd.

DOT II (14,198)
His Grace the Duke of Portland's, Welbeck, Worksop; breeder, owner; date of birth, 1881.
By owner's Bob III out of his Flush.
Buxton, 3rd.

DUKE III (14,618)
Mr. C.J. Radclyffe's, Hyde, Wareham, Dorset; breeder mr. Allen; colour lemon and white.
By owner's Tramp out of breeder's Lotus.
Bridport, 3rd.

DUKE (13,776)
Mr. E. Walling's (late mr. Edwin Bishop's), (late mr. H. Meakin's); breeder unknown; born 1879; colour white.
By Bustler out of Fanny.
Gloucester, 1st; Aston, 3rd; Hertford, 3rd; Farnworth, 2nd; Bridport, 1st.

FUDGE (10,418)
Mr. C.P. Harvey's, Whitegate, Northwich.
By Lapis out of Floss.
Warwick, 1st; Shefiield, 3rd.

JOHN O'GAUNT (11,610)
Mr. H.H. Holmes's, Laurel-lane, Lancaster.
Pedigree unknown.
Shefiield, 1st and cup; Aston Park, challenge prize; York, champion prize.

Mr. Edwin Bishop's.
By Mayor out of Di.
Hertford, 1st.

PSYCHO (9257)
M. N.P. Stilgoe, Manor Farm, Adderbury, Oxon.
By Bob out of Floss.
Colchester, 1st; Hanley, 2nd.

BAMBLE (14,091)
G.B. Clark's, Alveley, Bridgnorth, Salop; breeder mr. B. Parr; date of birth, October 15th, 1881; colour lemon and white.
By Sir Y.B. Corbett's Robber out of breeder's (afterwards mr. P. Bullock's) Floss.
Bridpon, 2nd; Swindon, 3rd; Wolverhampton, 3rd; Hanley, 1st.

ROBERT (14,201)
Mr. P. Bealey's, 1, College-green, Gloucester; breeder unknown; date of birth, 1879.
By mr. Holford's Brush out of mr. Graham's Flash.
Gloucester, 2nd.

ROCK (9258)
Mr. F. Parlett's, Petersfield.
By Rock out of Ruby II.
Colchester, 2nd.

SIRDAR (14,202)
Mr. B.T. Daniell's, Heath House, Daryland, Colchester (late Bev. W.H. Hinder's, late mr. E. Thompson Smith's); breeder, Rev. W.H. Hinder; date of birth, June 15th, 1880; colour white and lemon.
By Baron (9254) out of Bramble.
Colchester, 3rd.

STEAMER (late Traveller) (14,203)
Mr. J. Miles's, Bourneside, Southgate, N. (late mr. L. Pilkington's); breeder, Marquis of Cholmondeley; date of birth, 1878; colour white and dark lemon.
By Sir Vincent Corbett's dog out of breeder's Venus.
Hertford, 2nd.

TOWER (12,679)
Mr. H.H. Holmes's.
By John o' Gaunt (11,610) out of Nell II.
Aston Park, 1st; York, 2nd.


BUST II (12,682)
His Grace the Duke of Portland's, Welbeck, Worksop.
By Dart out of Lively (10,423).
Chesterfield, 2nd.

Mr. Edwin Bishop's, Foxley Hill, Litchborough, Weedon; breeder, owner; date of birth, 1881; colour lemon and white.
By owner's Duke out of Wild Rose, out of Tone; Duke by owner's Brush out of Flora.
Hertford, 1st and team cup.

Mr. Edwin Bishop's, Foxley Hill, Litchborough, Weedon; date of birth, 1882; colour white and lemon.
By Rover out of Bonnie.
Hertford, 2nd and team prize; Hanley, 1st.

FLIRT II (13,706)
His Grace the Duke of Portland's, Welbeck, Worksop; breeder, owner; date of birth, about December, 1880.
By owner's Dart out of his Fairy II.
Sheffield, 1st; York, 1st; Chesterfield, 1st; Buxton, 1st.

HILDA (13,777)* (* имеет двойную регистрацию – см. раздел «Филд»)
Mr. H. Holmes's, Laurel Bank, Lancaster; breeder, owner; date of birth, July 21st, 1882; colour white and lemon.
By John 0'Gaunt (11,610) out of owner's Duchess of Lancaster.
Aston Park, 2nd; York, 3rd, also 2nd puppy class.

LADY II (14,961) (late Nellie)
Mr. G.B. Clark's, Alveley, Bridgnorth, Salop; breeder, owner; date of birth, December 26th, 1881; colour lemon and white.
By Rev. F.W. Smith's Beppo, out of owner's Lady; Beppo by Spot, by Lord Spencer's Fag.

LUSA (14,200)
Mr C.E. Wace's, College Hill, Shrewsbury; breeder mr. J.A. Allen; date of birth, April 11th, 1880; colour lemon and white.
By Random II out of Lotus, by Looby (8341) out of Rose II (7356); Random II by the Duke of Westminster's Lapis II out of mr. G. Jones's Ruby. (For pedigree of Ruby see Baron (9254).
Shifnal, 3rd.

MARAZION (14,090)
Mr. G.B. Clark's, Alveley, Bridgnorth, Salop (late mr. J. Mudge's; late mr. E. Walling's); breeder mr. T. Wynne; date of birth, May 16th, 1880; colour lemon and white.
By Duke of Newcastle's dog out of breeder's bitch.
Cirencester, 2nd; Hertford, 3rd.

NIOBE (12,688)
Mr. P. Pearman's, High-street, Wallingford.
Breeder and pedigree unknown.
Bideford, 2nd.

RIOT (13,707)
His Grace the Duke of Portland's, Welbeck, Worksop; breeder, owner; date of birth, 1881.
By Duke of Newcastle's Rover out of breeder's Trusty.
Sheffield, 2nd; York, 2nd.

TRINKET (13,708)
Mr. J. Allen's, Ampthill; breeder, owner; date of birth, March 1st, 1882.
By Trump II out of Lotus.
Sheffield, 3rd.



Mr. T. Jacob's, Wolborough House, Newton Abbott.
By Bachelor II out of Brunette.
Bideford, 1st; Barnstaple, 1; Crystal Palace, 1st.

BARYTA (12,690)
Messrs Holley, Bros.', Laurel Cottage, Sherfield, Basingstoke.
By Bounce out of Duchess IV.
Swindon, 1st.

BISMARCK (12,706)
Mr. E.T. Smith's, Colchester.
By Kaffir out of Lass o' Devon.
Crystal Palace, 2nd; Colchester, 3rd.

Mr. T. Codling's, Cranesgate House, Whaplode, Spalding (late mr. Ogle's, late mr. W.S. Dexter's; breeder mr. Ogle; date of birth, September 3rd, 1881; colour liver.
By Rover III (5249) out of breeder's Nellie, by Rap out of Peggy.
York, 2nd; Crystal Palace, 2rd.

Mr. W.E. Easten's, 2, Crown-terrace, Hull (late mr. Lawson's); breeder mr. Ogle; date of birth, September 3rd, 1881; colour liver and tan.
By Rover III (5249) out of breeder's Nellie, by Rap out of Peggy.
York, 2nd (shown as Rover IV, late Lawson's Rover); Chesterfield, 1st (shown as Rover IV); Hanley, 1st.

FURZE (14,207)
The Rev. W. Shield's, Whittingham Vicarage, Alnwick; breeder, owner; date of birth, September, 1882; colour liver.
By Punch out of Sybil, by Bras (5244) out of Sappho* (* собака Burdett-a) (see Vol. II, p. 127).
York, 3rd.

GAFFER (14,208)
Mr. D.P.W. Mouncey's, Jesus College, Cambridge; breeder mr. G.D. Peck.
By Guess (9268) out of Bang.
Greenock, 3rd.

HORATIO (13,625)
Messrs. Holley, Bros.', Laurel Cottage, Sherfield, Basingstoke; breeders, owners; date of birth, June, 1882; colour golden liver.
By mr. T. Swaby's Bounce out of owner's Duchess VI, by Rover III (5249) out of Duchess III (5252); Bounce by Bachelor (6287) out of Smutty (7385).
Warwick, 2nd; Aston Park, 3rd; Hanley, 1st.

LAURIE (14,209)
Mr. C. Newington's, Bidgeway, Ticehurst, Sussex (late Dr. Williams); breeder mr. Hudson; date of birth, May, 1877; colour golden liver.
By breeder's Dash out of his Romp, by mr. Egerton's dog out of a Rosehill bitch* (*питомник Fuller); Dash by mr. Watt's Dash out of mr. Curteis' Bess.
Hertford, 1st.

SHENLEY (14,211)
Mr. B.G. Austin's, St. Andrew's House, Hertford; breeder mr. Aylen's; date of birth, August, 1880.
By breeder's Charlie out of Browney.
Hertford, 3rd.

SPORT (14,619)
Mr. T. Jacob's, Wolborough House, Newton Abbot; breeder, owner; date of birth, January, 1880; colour liver, white on chest.
By Bachelor (6287) out of Ladyship (6302)
Frome, 1st.

VITA (14,524)
Mr. J.G. Gamon's, The Poplars, Parkgate, near Chester; breeder, owner; date of birth, July 2nd, 1881; colour liver.
By Guy (8352) out of Duchess.
Liverpool, 3rd.


AUREOLA (13,778)
Messrs. Holley, Bros.`, Laurel Cottage, Sherfield, Basingstoke; breeders, owners; date of birth, January, 1882; colour golden liver.
By mr. T. Swaby's Bounce out of owner's Duchess VI, [by Rover III (5249) out of Duchess III (5252); Bounce by Bachelor (6287) out of Smutty (7385).
Aston Park, 2nd; Hertford, 2nd; Henley-on-Thames, 3rd; Hanley, 1st.

BRIDA II (11,623)
Mr. Jas. Partridge's, 75, High-street, Barnstaple.
By Rover III (5249) out of Brida I.
Sheffield 2nd; Aston Park, 1st; York, 1st; Crystal Palace prize, Colchester, 1st; Hanley, 2nd.

DOLLY (14,205)
Mr. T. Jacob's, Wolborough House, Newton Abbot; breeder, owner; date of birth, January, 1881; colour liver and tan.
By Bachelor II out of Brunette, by Bachelor (6287) out of Ladyship (late Russet) (6302); Bachelor II by Bachelor (6287) out of Countess.
Bideford, 1st; Barnstaple, 1st and cup; Plymouth, 1st.

FERRYSIDE (10,435)
Mr. H. Bates's, 5, Newmaroh-terrace, Victoria-road, Leytonstone.
By Bachelor (6287) out of Negress (8373).
Sheffield, 3rd.

LOVE BIRD (14,210)
Mr. N. Close's, 37, Tower-street, West Sunderland; breeder, date of birth, and pedigree unknown.
Sunderland, 1st.

PETREL (14,672)
Mr. W. Connah's, Uxbridge, Middlesex (late mr. P.T. Barton's and mr. J.C. Phillips's); breeder mr. P.T. Barton; date of birth, September, 1880; colour all golden liver.
By Bachelor (6287) out of breeder's Countess (9269).
Henley-on-Thames, 1st and cup.

Mr. P.P. Phelp's, 40, Jesus-lane, Cambridge.
By Guess (9265) out of Gipsy Bang (12,700).
Ipswich, 2nd.

ROSE III (14,089)
Mr. J. Read Roe's, The Canal, Salisbury, Wilts; breeder mr. H. C. Harding; date of birth, Good Friday, 1877; colour liver.
By Mr. Motton's Dash out of breeder's Rose, by mr. Flower's Bowl out of mr. Nightingale's Judy; Dash by mr. Rowland's Dork out of mr. Fleming's Venus.
Hertford, 3rd.

VOISINE (14,213)
Mr. J.E. Whittle's, Veterinary Establishment, Hayes, Middlesex (late mr. E.W. Jaquet's); breeder and pedigree unknown; colour liver, small white star on chest.
Hertford, 1st; Henley-on-Thames, 2nd.

TINKLE (14,212)
Mr. J.H. Salter's, Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex; breeder, owner; date of birth, April 27th, 1882; colour golden liver.
By Chance II (12,691) out of owner's Belle, by Rex (2163) out of Ruby.
Colchester, 2nd.



ALONZO (2098)
Mr. H.B. Spurgin`s, Northampton.
By Christy out of Floss.
Sheffield, 1st; Aston Park, 1st; York, 1st.

BARONETT (11,625)
Messrs Haylock and Barnard, Chelmsford, Essex.
By Beverley Bob out of Bona (8366).
Hertford, 1st; Colchester, 2nd.

BASILEUS (13,629)
Mr. J.H. Hussey`s, 16, Hugh-street, Cardiff; breeder Mr. Bonny; date of birth, May 24th, 1881; colour black.
By Alarcos (11,624) out of breeder`s Biancf, by Lex out of Fan.
Warwick, 2nd; Bideford, 2nd; Shifnal, 1st; Gloucester, 1st.

BEACON (14,214)
Mr. H.B. Spurgin`s, Northampton; breeder, owner; date of birth, August 1st, 1883; colour black.
By Beaconsfield (10,442) out of Flirt.
York, 1st (puppy class); Hertford, 2nd.

BEND OR (12,705)
Mr. T. Jacob`s, Wolborough House, Newton Abbot.
Bu Kaffir out of Ladyship.
Plymouth (1st and cup) Crystal Palace, 1st.

Mr. W.E. Easten`s, 2, Crown-terrace, Hull; breeder mr. W.E. Easten; date of birth, October 20th, 1882; colour black.
By Baronet (11,625) out of Bona (8366).
Shellield, 3rd, and 1st in puppy class; Greenock, 2nd; York, 3rd (puppy class); Chesterfield, 1st; Gloucester, 1st and cup; Wolverhampton, 1st; Hanley, 1st.

BISMARK (12,706)
Mr. E.T. Smith`s, Colchester.
By Kaffir out of Lass o`Devon.
Hertford, 2nd (variety class).

Capt. S.M. Thomas`s, Coity Mawr, Talybont, Brecon, Wales.
By Kaffir out of Ladyship.
Aston, 2nd; York, 2nd; Crystal Palace, 3rd; Liverpool, equal 2nd.

BRAMBLE (12,709)
Mr. W. Riddlesdell`s, Bridge House, Boxford, Suffolk; breeder mr. J. Farrow; date of birth, August, 1881; colour black.
By Rover III (5249) out of Fern (12,736).

BRUSH (7371)
Mr. John Bonny`s, Blackpool, Lancashire (late mr. A.H. Easten`s and mr. E. Parkinson`s); breeder mr. W.W. Boulton; date of birth, May, 1876.
By Rolfe (5264) out of Nellie (2221).

The Right Hon. The Earl of Warwick, 1, Stable-yard, St. James`, London (late mr. B.P. Meakin`s); breeder mr. E. Walling; date of birth, May 24th, 1881; colour black.
By Alarcos (11,624) out of Bessie III (10,433).
Crystal Palace, 2nd.

Messrs. Hayleck and Barnard`s, Chelmsford, Essex; breeder, owner; date of birth, December 8th, 1883; colour black.
By Baronet (11,625) out of Floss V (14,221).
Hertford, 3rd.

CHEQUE BOOK (13,625)
Mr. E. Walling`s, Quatt, Bridgnorth; breeder, owner; date of birth, February 14th, 1882; colour black.
By mr. T. Walling`s Watermark by Brush (7371) out of Rhea (2228).
Warwick, 2nd.

COLON (15,042)
Mr. F. Reid`s, The Elms, Londonderry, Ireland; breeder mr. T.A. Bond; data of birth, September, 1880, black.
By Bucephalus (10,445) out of Black Bess II (10,463).

Mr. H.B. Spurgin`s, Northampton.
By Bosco out of Floss.
Hertford, 1st (variety class).

DEVON`S PRIDE (14,673)
Mr. J.L. Bulled`s, Witheridge, North Devon (late mr. Jones); breeder and pedigree unknown.
Swindon, 2nd; Henley-on-Thames, 3rd.

DURWARD (14,917)
Mons. H. Beraud`s, Montiers les Manfaits, Vendee, France; breeder, owner; data of birth, April 12th, 1883; colour liver and white.
By mons. Paul Caillard`s Max out of Rose of Vandee (12,748).

FEVER (12,712)
Mr. H.B. Spurgin`s, Northampton.
By Bosco out of Beg.
Aston Park, 3rd; York, 1st; Hertford, 1st (shown by mr. W. Adams).

FOP (9279)
Mr. H.B. Spurgin's, Northampton.
By Alonzo (2098) out of Floss.
Warwick, 1st and extra; Aston Park, 2nd; Hanley, 2nd.

JUMBO (12,716)
Capt. S.M. Thomas's, Coity Mawr, Talybont, Brecon, Wales.
By Kaffir out of Flirt III
York, 3rd.

KISBER (14,226)
Mr. J.G. Raymond's, Church House, Yeovil; breeder mr. Nicholls; date of birth, June 26th, 1882; colour black.
By Kaffir (10,451) out of The Nun (14,235).
Gloucester, 2nd (shown by mr. W. Nichols).

LORD BUTE (14,229)
Mr. J.H. Hussey's, 16, High-street, Cardiff (late mr. Griffith's Bounce; breeder mr. Parson's; date of birth,
August, 1881; colour black.
By Alarcos (11,624) out of breeder's Chloe, by Lex out of Fan.
Buxton, 1st; Henley-on-Thames, 2nd; Wolverhampton, 2nd.

NEGRO (11,631)
Mr. A.K. Barton's, 69, Crystal Palace-road, East Dulwioh, S.E.
By Batchelor out of Negress.
Buxton, 2nd.

Mr. M. Gretton's, Marrowbone and Cleaver Hotel, Hull; breeder mr. Pickering; date of birth, January 9th, 1882; colour black tan and white.
By mr. Barker's Brush out of breeder's Revel (pedigree unknown), Brush by Brush out of mr. Thomas Bachelor's Jet.
Aston Park, 3rd; York, 3rd; Crystal Palace, prize; Gloucester, 2nd.

T. Jacobs's, Wolborough House, Newton Abbot, Devon; breeder, owner; date of birth, October, 1882; colour black and tan.
By Jumbo (12,716) out of Brunette, by Bachelor (6287) out of Ladyship (late Russet) (6302).
Bridport, 2nd.

OBO (10,452)
Mr. J. Farrow's, Wellington-terrace, Ipswich.
By Fred out of Betty.
Aston Park, 1st; Ipswich, 1st.

Mr. R.W. Vernon's, 7, Ebury-street, S.W.
By Young Beverlac out of Nelly.
Hertford, 3rd.

PRESIDENT (14,622)
Mr. F.K. Kayes, Westfield House, Mold Green, Huddersfield; breeder mr. Burton; date of birth, July, 1881.
By Alarcos (11,624) out of Floss III
Farnworth, 2nd; Hanley, 2nd.

RAPP III (15,099)
Mr. William Pagnier's, 3, Rue Duportal a Villamouble, France; breeder, owner; date of birth, September 1st, 1883.
By mr. Didot's Bebb out of his Lady.

ROYSTERER (13,781)
Mr. H. B. Spurgin's, Northampton; breeder mr. J.G. Gamon; date of birth, March 26, 1882; colour black.
By Don Fulano (11,629) out of Foll (10,471).
Aston Park, 2nd; and Hertford, 2nd (shown by mr. Gamon); Bridport, 1st.

SCAMP II (14,231)
Mr. P.E. Schofield's, Morpeth, Northumberland; breeder, owner; date of birth, July 23rd, 1880; colour black.
By Bachelor (6287) out of Salus (9295).
York, 1st.

SHELL (14,829)
Mons. Poncelet's, Amont, Ardennes, France; breeder, mons. Paul Caillard; date of birth, December 16, 1881.
By breeder's Dash II (10,447) out of his Bess IV (10,461).

SIR GARNET (14,233)
Mr. T. Jacobs, Wolborough House, Newton Abbott; breeder, owner; date of birth, October, 1882; colour
black and tan.
By Jumbo (12,716) out of Brunette, by Bachelor (6287) out of Ladyship (late Russet) (6302).
Bideford, 1st, and 1st puppy class; Hereford, 3rd (variety class).

SOLUS (11,635)
Mr. F.E. Schofields, Morpeth, Northumberland.
By Batchelor (6287) out of Salus (9295).
Sheffield, 2nd; Aston Park, 1st.
Now the property of mr. J. Boyle, Manchester.

TAWNY (14,234)
Mr. J.J. Thornton's, 68, Holywell-street, Oxford (late mr. J.M. Rogers', late mr. L. Robin's); breeder mr. J.L. Florey; date of birth, August 24th, 1881; colour black.
By Beverlac II out of Midnight; Beverlac II by mr. Knight's Duke out of his Duchess.
Henley-on-Thames, 1st; Cirencester, 1st and cup.

TRAY II (14,236)
Mr. H. Pettle's, The Square, Barnstaple; breeder, owner; date of birth, November 10, 1880; colour golden liver.
By Pottingdon Ben out of Flirt of Devon (14,220); Pottingdom Ben by Boss (8361) out of Ruby.
Barnstaple, 2nd.

ZULU (10,459)
Mr. J. Boyle's, 34, Oldham-street, Manchester.
By Batchelor (6287) out of Smutty.
Sheffield, 1st and half special; Greenock, 1st; York champion prize; Crystal Palace champion prize; Liverpool, 1st; Farnworth, 1st.


BARONESS (14,972)
Mr. W. Riddlesdell`s, Bridge House, Boxford, Suffolk (late mr. T. Jones's); breeder mr. Lawrence; date of
birth, May 2nd, 1883; colour all black.
By Bosco (10,444) out of Nancy (8373).

Mr. J.C. Phillip's, 24, Clement-street, Birmingham.
By Batchelor (6287) out of Negress.
Aston, 1st; Buxton, 3rd; Crystal Palace, 2nd.

BEG (12,725)
Mr. J. Farrow's, Wellington Terrace, Ipswich.
By Bibb out of Fairy.
Hertford, 1st.

BESS II (6312)
Mr J.W. Stone's, Eastleigh, Bideford, Devon.
By Bell ont of Smut.
Bideford, 2nd; Barnstaple, 2nd; Gloucester, 2nd.

BETSY II (14,215)
Mr. H.B. Spurgin's, Northampton; breeder, owner; date of birth, August 1st, 1882; colour black.
By Beaconsfield (10,442) out of Flirt.
York, 2nd.

Mr. W.E. Easten's, 2, Crown-terrace, Hull; breeder, owner; date of birth, January 25th, 1881; colour black.
By Beau (9276) out of Nell (2221).
York, 2nd; Chesterfield, 2nd; Crystal Palace, 1st; Gloucester, 2nd; Wolverhampton, 2nd; Hanley, 2nd.

Mr. W.E. Easten's, 2, Crown-terrace Hull; breeder mr. A.H. Easten; date of birth, August 6th, 1881; colour black.
By Beau (9276) out of Bona (8366).
Sheffield, 2nd; Greenock, 1st.

BLACK LADY II (13,783)
The Right Hon. the Earl of Warwick's, 1, Staple-yard, St. James's, London (late mr. B.P. Meakin's);
Breeder mr. A.H. Easten; date of birth, August 6th, 1881; colour black.
By Beau (9276) out of Bona (8366).
Aston Park, 3rd.

BLANCH II (12,730)
Mr. W. Riddelsdell's, Bridge House, Boxford (late mr. G.W. Carter's); breeder mr. H.B. Spurgin; date of birth, March 2nd, 1877; colour black, little white on chest.
By Mars out of Belle, by Bebb Mars by Bebb.

BROWNEY (14,216)
Mr. J.W. Stone's, Eastleigh, near Bideford; breeder, owner; date of birth, July 18th, 1882; colour liver, white spot on chest.
By Mr. R. Lloyd's Bright (8359) out of owner's Black Beauty (12,729).
Bideford, 2nd (puppy class).

Mr. P. Bullock's, Codsall Wood, Wolverhampton; date of birth, 1879.
By Frank out of Nell.
Shifnal, 2nd.

DEBBY BESS (15,043)
Mr T. A. Bond's, Bock Villa, Londonderry, Ireland; breeder, owner; date of birth, January 6th, 1883;
colour black and tan.
By Obo (10,452) out of Young Rhea (12,751).

Mr T. Jacob's, Wolborough House, Newton Abbot; breeder, owner; date of birth, July 19th, 1882; colour
black and tan.
By Jumbo (12,716) out of Lass o'Devon (10,473).
Hertford, 3rd (variety class); Plymouth, 2nd; Frome, 1st.

EASTEN'S BEE (14,736)
Mr W.E. Easten's, 2, Crown-terrace, Hull; breeder, owner; date of birth, April 15th, 1883; colour liver.
By Solus (11,635) out of Beverley Bess (11,639).
Hanley, 1st.

EASTEN'S BUST (14,792)
Mr. W.E. Easten's, 2, Crown Terrace, Hull; breeder, owner; date of birth, April 15th, 1883; colour black.
By Solus (11,635) out of Beverley Bess (11,639).
Hanley, 1st.

FANCIFUL (13,780)
Mr. H.B. Spurgin's, Northampton (late mr. J.G. Gamon's); breeder mr. C.W. Montague; date of birth,
September 4th, 1881; colour black, white and tan.
By Bosco (10,444) out of Fancy (9291).
Aston Park, 3rd (shown by mr. Gamon); Hertford, 1st (variety class).

FEE (13,628) (dead)
Mr. H.B. Spurgin's, Northampton; breeder, owner; date of birth, April, 1882; colour black.
By Bosco (10,444) out of Beg (12,725).
Warwick, 1st.

FERN (12,736)
Mr. J. Farrow's, 18, Wellington-terrace, Ipswich.
By Beverlac out of Minnie.
Hertford, 1st; Ipswich, 1st.

FLASH II (12,737)
Mr. P. Bullock's, Codsall Wood, Salop.
By Frank out of Nell.
Warwick, 1st; Shifnal, 1st; Wolverhampton, 1st.

Mr. H. Pettle's, The Square, Barnstable, Devon; breeder, owner; date of birth, August 3rd, 1878; colour golden liver.
By Ross (8361) out of Belle, her dam Flirt.
Barnstable, 1st.

FLOSS V (14,221)
Mr. H. Haylock's, Chelmsford, Essex; breeder, owner; date of birth, June 27th, 1881; colour black.
By Kaffir (10,451) out of Floss IV (10,470).
Colchester, 3rd.

FRILL (14,222)
Mr. H.B. Spurgin's, Northampton; breeder, owner; date of birth, April, 1882; colour black, white frill.
By Bosco (10,444) out of Beg (12,725).
York, 3rd.

GIRL (14,223)
Mr. W. Graham's, Broomhill, Newtownbreda, Belfast; breeder and pedigree unknown.
Strabane, 2nd.

HILDA (13,777)* (* имеет двойную регистрацию – см. раздел «Кламберы»)
Mr. H.H. Holmes's, Laurel Bank, Lancaster.
By John o`Gaunt out of Duchess of Lancaster.
York, 2nd (puppy class).

JESSIE III (14,224)
Mr. J. Hill's, Oak Cottage, Elton, Bury, Lancashire; breeder mr. J.S. Cowell; date of birth, March 14th, 1881; colour liver mottled.
By Fop (9279) out of breeder's Nell, by Mr. Willicombe's Dash out of Florence.
York, 3rd and medal.

JET IV (14,225)
Mr. D.T. M'Girr's, Magazine-street, Londonderry; breeder mr. T.A. Bond; date of birth, September 12th, 1880; colour black.
By Bucephalus (10,445) out of Black Bess II (10,463).
Strabane, 1st.

Mr. C. Ford's, Advertiser Office, Brierley Hill, Staffordshire; breeder mr. Geo. Parsons; date of birth,
September 11th, 1880; colour black.
By Brush (7371) out of Lady in Black (11,646).
Aston Park, 2nd; Hertford, 3rd.

LASS O' DEVON (10,473)
Capt. S.M. Thomas's, Coity Mawr, Talybont, Brecon, Wales.
By Batchelor (6287) out of Negress (8373).
York, 1st; Crystal Palace, 2nd; Liverpool, 2nd.

Mr. J.G. Gamon, the Poplars, Park Gate; breeder mr. E. Davies; date of birth, November 3rd, 1880; colour black.
By Guy (8352) out of Kitty, by Young Bob (7380) out of Lass of York (late Belle) 2184.

LILAC (12,743)
Mr. A.F. Nash's, Lawrie Park, Sydenham.
By Checkmate out of Chloe II
Ipswich, 2nd.

LILLIAN (14,228)
Mr. R. Lloyd's, Ware, Herts.; breeder mr. C.G. Holford; date of birth, June, 1882; colour black.
By Alarcos (11,624) out of Sukey (10,481).
Hertford, 2nd.

LITTLE LADY (14,227)
Mr. R. Lloyd's, Ware, Herts.; breeder, owner; date of birth, October 26th, 1882; colour black and tan.
By Little Bob II (12,717) out of owner's Ladylike, by Frank II (10,450) out of Lady II (10,472).
Hertford, 2nd.

Mr. H. Bates's, 8, Beachcroft-road, Leytonstone; breeder mr. A.W. Langdale; date of birth, June 5th, 1882; colour black.
By Zulu (10,459) out of breeder's Lottie, by Beverley (11,626) out of Countess.
Sheffield, 3rd and 5th in puppy class. Ipswich, 1st (in litter).

LUSTRE (late Bridgenorth Dinah) (12,731)
Mr. H. Bates's, S, Beachcroft-roacl, Leytonstone.
By Alarcos (11,624) out of Bessie III (10,433).
Swiudon, 2nd.

MAGGIE (14,995)
Mr. A.E. Jagger's, Coventry; breeder mr. H.B. Spurgin; date of birth, November, 1880; colour black, white on chest.
By Bosco (10,444) out of Fancy (9291).

MISS OBO (12,745)
Mr. J. Farrow's, Wellington-terrace, Ipswich.
By Obo (10,452) out of Nellie.
Aston Park, 1st; Hertford, 1st champion prize; Crystal Palace prize; Colchester, 1st and special.

MOUSE (14,918)
Mons. H. Berand's, Montiers les Maufaits, Vendee, France; breeder, owner; date of birth, April 12, 1883; color liver and white.
By mons. Paul Caillard's Max out of Rose of Vendеe (2748).

NESSY (13,626)
Mr. W. Riche's, Grendon Park, Atherstone; breeder mr. E. Burston; date of birth, Jan. 1882.
By Alarcos (11,624) out of breeder's Floss III, by Smutty out of Rose.
Warwick, 2nd.

Mr. T. Jacob's; breeder, owner; date of birth, October, 1882; colour black.
By Jumbo (12,716) out of Brunette, by Batchelor (6287) out of Ladyship (late Russet) (6302)
Bridport, 2nd.

Mr. E.T. Smith's, Colchester (late mr. J.H. Meakin's); date of birth, March or April, 1882; colour black.
By Jack out of Lady Black Brush (13,782); Jack by Black Prince out of Nellie.
Crystal Palace, 3rd.

Dr. Kennart's (late mons. H. Gazier's) a Gace (Orne) France; date of birth, March 19th, 1882; colour
black and white.
By Colonel Dash (12,710) out of Rose of Vendee (12,748).

SALLY (10,479)
Mr. J. Farrow's, Wellington-terrace, Ipswich.
By Fred out of Betty.
Aston Park, 2nd.

SALUS II (11,649)
Mr. F.E. Schofield's, Morpeth, Northumberland.
By Bachelor (6287) out of Salus (9295).
Sunderland, 1st; York, 1st.

SILVIA (14,282)
Mr. J. Hill's, Oak Cottage, Elton, Bury, Lancashire; breeder, owner; date of birth, March 4th, 1882; colour black.
By Rover III out of Smutty II, by Bachelor (6287) out of Smutty (7385).
York, 3rd.

SQUAW (10,480) 
Mr. T. Jacobs's, Wolborough House, Newton Abbott.
By Bachelor (6287) out of Negress (8373).
Sheffield, 1st and half special; Bideford, 1st and cup.

THE NUN (14,235)
Mr. N. Nicholl's, Trevelgue Villa, Bloomneld-road,
Bath; breeder, owner; date of birth, April 28th, 1879; colour
By Bruce (7370) out of Leah (10,474).
Gloucester, 1st; Swindon, 1st.

YOUNG RHEA (12,751)
Mr. J.A. Bond's, Bock Villa, Londonderry.
By Brush (7371) out of Rhea (2228).
Oxnagh, 1st.

ZUESS (14,237)
Mr. J. Boyle's, Oldham-road, Manchester; breeder, owner; date of birth, May, 1882; colour black and tan.
By Zulu (10,459) out of owner's Bess.
York, 2nd and cup; Crystal Palace, 1st; Liverpool, 1st; Farnworth, 1st; Wolverhampton, 3rd; Hanley, 2nd.

Источник: http://u.to/QmU-Ag
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