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06.02.2012, 21:48
Hi my name is Ray Hood

My interest in photography began approximately 35 years ago - starting with a "point and shoot" family camera, and progressing through college into the "real" world.

Outdoor life has always appealed to me, whether it be the changing colours of the landscape through the seasons or the abundance of wild life around us, examples of which can be seen on this website.
Bailey, my Springer Spaniel became a willing companion on my photographic trips and during Bailey's field training and attendance at trials and shoots, it seemed a natural progression to combine my two passions, and it soon became evident from the enquiries I received that people wanted mementos of their sporting past-times.

I can attend Shoots, Field Trials or Shows in South East England, capturing individual moments of your memorable day's shooting, including photographs of the beaters, pickers-up and guns (as well as the real workers - the dogs).
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