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Association between anal sac gland carcinoma and dog leukocyte antigen-DQB1 in the English Cocker Spaniel
Aguirre-Hernández J, Polton G, Kennedy LJ, Sargan DR. Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, UK

Результаты исследования: карцинома анальных желез у английских кокер-спаниелей встречается чаще, чем у других пород спаниелей. Болезнь, как правило, развивается у собак в возрасте старше 8 лет и часто сопровождается метастазами ближайших лимфатических узлов. У 42 английских кокер-спаниелей из 75 была выявлена взаимосвязь между карциномой анальных желез и главным комплексом гистосовместимости, локус класса II (собачий лейкоцитарный антиген DLA-DRB1, -DQA1,-DQB1).

Based on a corrected error rate of 0.017 for each test, the allele distribution in DLA-DRB1 showed no significant difference between cases and controls (P value = 0.019), while a significant difference was obtained for DLA-DQA1 and -DQB1 alleles (P values are 0.010 and 3.3 × 10⁻⁵). The DLA-DQB1*00701 allele was the most common in both cases and controls, but it had a higher frequency among the former (0.89) than in the latter (0.61), while the second most common allele had a higher frequency in the controls (0.23) than in the cases (0.07). Haplotype distributions were also significantly different between the two groups (P value = 1.61 × 10⁻⁴).

This is the second disease in English Cocker Spaniels for which the most common DLA-DQB1 allele in the breed has been shown to have a higher frequency in cases than controls, while the second most common allele in the breed (*02001) has a significantly higher frequency in the controls, compared with the cases.


Источник: http://u.to/7gfIAQ
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